
Saturday, July 14, 2012

10-Plus Miles and Cheesecake Brownies

My boss's birthday was this past Thursday and I usually bake whatever the people I work with want for their birthday. She picked cheesecake brownies. I have never made them before, but I looked up a recipe and (finally) whipped up a batch to take today, since I knew I would be going by work when she was there.

I think the next time I make them, I will make the brownies more fudgy and less cake-like. They were quite tasty, though.

So, I dropped the brownies off at work and waited for the shift to end so my co-worker(s) could join me for a 9 or 10 mile walk/jog in preparation for the half. We went in the right direction starting out this time!! I also brought along some Gatorade in a bottle because I only drank water last week and I was concerned when I started to sweat actual salt on the way home in the car. Therefore, I wanted to make certain that my electrolytes were balanced. 

I bought a hydration camel pack, but I've never used it and I was considering returning it to the store because I just don't think I can run with 2 liters of liquid on my back. I decided today that I just can't run with a bottle in my hand. It's awkward and irritating and it gets hot really quickly! By mile 5, I had the drink finished just because I wanted to throw the bottle away in the trash can as we passed it. What does that mean? Yep, no drink for the 5 miles back!! I was amazed that we held out as well as we did at that distance (which was new to all of us) and I think we would have been even more OK if we had had a beverage to hydrate with on the way back. I'm considering a hydration belt. I won't really worry about it for the half, because there will be ample drink/aid stands to satisfy my needs.

I think that today proved that finishing the half is going to be completely do-able. In fact, we should finish it with a (fairly) decent time! **fingers crossed**

Well, I'm about to go crawl into a warm bath and try to read a little more of The Graveyard Book before I go to bed for the evening. I'll leave you with a picture of my friend, Paula at one of the bridges we crossed this evening.

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