
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I Don't Have Time For a Cold

I think all of the stress of the past weekend has caught up with my immune system. I am rocking a fairly irritating cold. (I know, who really enjoys a cold?) I'm sneezing and my nose is runny/stopped up all at the same time and I just feel like crap!

I can't really let it get in the way of my run this Saturday. If I don't keep training, I'll suck at 13.1, and that just won't do. I've tried everything (granted, it's been just one day). I'm drinking OJ, eating honey and cinnamon, drinking water, taking Claritin and Sudafed. My nose is so stopped up that my Netti Pot wouldn't even work on it! I think I may try some Vapor Rub tonight before bed.

Today, Shane forwent sleep when he got home and we all went to the local movie theater. On Tuesdays and Thursdays during the summer, they play a free kid's movie at 10am. He took them last week to see Madagascar 2 and today we saw Bee Movie. If you bring canned goods, you get a free popcorn and drinks are just a dollar, so it's a steal of a deal! The kids were really good for the most part. E just doesn't have the attention span to sit still that long yet, but she did OK.

After that, we went to the grocery store to stock up on food for the next two weeks. I always plan a menu out ahead of time for two weeks and we buy groceries accordingly.

Speaking of groceries, I have been thinking lately that I really need to settle on a few really good and perfected cupcake recipes. I usually try things that I see on Pinterest, but I haven't really loved one yet. I think I will keep trying a few at a time, pick out a couple or three favorites and then work on making them the most awesome tasting cupcakes EVER!

On the reading front, I just downloaded a ton of books and I will be loading them on to my Nook later this evening. Perhaps then I will pick out a new read!

Work day tomorrow. Should be weird since I've been gone for the past five days.  

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