
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Let's Get This Party Started

My first blog entry. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Perhaps I should start out by sharing the goals of my blog:
  1. Books: I love to read. My first goal is to keep my readers up to date on what I am reading and what my thoughts are about books after I have read them. You may see what I have, am currently and want to read at My Shelfari Page. I am also a member of I am always open to suggestions of things to read.
  2. Baking: Over the course of the past 5 years, I have picked up the hobby of baking. OK, I'm not being 100% accurate on that. What I really love more than baking is decorating the things I bake. Generally, I bake cakes and cupcakes for birthdays and school functions when I have the time. Look forward to pictures of my creations!
  3. The rest of the title of this blog is blah. I really don't mean that in a downer capacity. I'm a fairly strange person and random things come across my mind. Be prepared to delve into the depths of the weird little topics that keep my mind busy. Perhaps I shall find some kindred spirits out there and we can share some fun.
So, there you have it. Those are the goals and I am aiming to write a little something each day. Could be books, could be baking, could be blah!

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