Now that it is not immediately following the race and my body has had some time to settle down, I'd like to write a little bit more about the half marathon. I noticed that a lot of my page views have come from Google searches for reviews on it. First, I'd like to mention that this was an inaugural run for this race. It was also completely full. I follow the host, Zulu Racing, on Facebook as well as the actual race itself. My concerns about the water have been repeated by many people, so I'm sure that it won't be an issue next year. Zulu has stated on their web and FB pages that the concerns with the race will be addressed for next year. I would certainly not want one of my blog posts to put anyone off of running this, or any other, half marathon. It was a learning experience for me. I know now that even though I shouldn't have to bring water with me, it's better to be safe than sorry. That being said, I'm sure that 90% of my issues would have been non-existent had I been properly hydrated. I also was not as conditioned as I should have been. In the future, that won't be an issue. Basically, I was not so turned off from the experience that I won't do it again. In fact, I will probably do this same race next year. I would love to see how much it changes after constructive feedback is evaluated and acknowledged.
If you have looked at my races page, you will see that I have already scheduled myself for two more races. They are both 5Ks. (I seriously think I can only handle 13.1 miles of running once a year!) I am going to start running this Monday and more frequently than I have been since I have time after dropping the kids off at school. My next race will be the Spooktacular Chase 5K. It is very near to my work and it is on a Saturday morning that I have to go into work, so I'll be right there at work when I'm finished. I'm excited to get back to running. In fact, I am hoping that I will get my nutrition and exercise back on track to finally reach my goal weight! Also, I am hoping to start doing my Zumba DVDs again. I really like that they provide a full body workout. (The calorie burn is WAY more than running, too!!)
yay for shorter races:). I should mix up my treadmill with zumba since I have one of my mom's dvds.