
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Still Goin

Hey everyone! I am still here. I haven't really had much to write about other than the mundane daily routine of work and home, so I just haven't posted anything. The half is drawing nearer. So near, in fact, I can now do a countdown...exactly 2 weeks (14 days) until the race!

Went for my usual trail run today. We went exactly 7 miles. It was super humid outside, which made it a little unpleasant. I'm starting to really notice the fact that I have been eating like a ravenous fiend and not exercising lately. I was more out of breath and tired than I usually am. I also felt really heavy. I don't know if I can properly explain that one, but trust when I say I did!

The great thing is, my kids start back to school on Monday! We are going to open house tomorrow for the meet and greet and then on Monday morning, I will drop them off and go for the runs I used to go on before summer started! The kids are super excited to be going back, especially E since she will be attending for the first time! I hope they have a great school year. So, I will drop them on Monday morning and then try to go 8 miles. I really don't think it will be an issue. The only thing I don't want to do is over-exert myself or injure myself 2 weeks before the race.

Since my last post, I finished Beastly by Alex Finn and also read Beastly: Lindy's Diary, also by Alex Finn. They were good books. Very easy to read, not too involved and not overly dramatic like so much YA fiction is these days. The characters were well developed and very easy to relate to. When the books were over, I found myself yearning for more of their story! I am actually about to watch the movie adaptation of Beastly when I finish this post. Perhaps I'll mention it tomorrow! For now, I'm going to relax, drink a pouch of Arbor Mist and then take a shower and go to bed!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that your run went well this morning too. Good luck at the half!
