
Monday, September 24, 2012

Ahhh, Fall

It is officially fall. My favorite season! It also hosts my favorite holiday, Halloween. I love everything about this time of year...the coolness in the air, the leaves changing colors, apple cider, the smell of fire in a fireplace. Yep, I love it all. All except for the inevitable change of the season allergy attack!
My kids have been sneezing. One of them has green goo coming from her nose and a hacking cough. I thought I was OK, until I started coughing yesterday and it is steadily getting worse! I absolutely hate buying medicine, especially for allergies. (Kinda odd, given my profession) I'll probably breakdown soon and buy some Claritin D knockoff.  Hopefully, we'll all get past this soon. The kids are on fall break this week, which should give them time to get well before school starts back up. Not to mention, I have plans on taking them to see Finding Nemo in 3D this week.
Sorry this post is so short. I didn't want to seem like I've fallen off the planet, I've just had a lot going on. I will post more details of the past few days, soon!
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