
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Insomnia and a Run

Insomnia. Difficulty or the inability to fall asleep. Yeah, that's been me all week. Even as I type this post, I should be asleep. Last night, it may have had something to do with the half of a pot of kick-ass coffee I made and drank at work around 8pm. I really need to get back on schedule before Monday morning rolls around and I'm not able to function, let alone prepare lunches and drive around since Fall Break will be over. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before how hectic my Mondays are with school and martial arts AND dance class, so I need all the rest I can get!

My insomnia could also stem from stress. I know, me...stressed? Get outta here! Seriously, though, I have a ton of things going on (as usual) and I usually worry about every single detail. I also have some work stress that I could really do without, but that doesn't seem to ever go away and it won't until the problem is addressed and, since I know that isn't likely, I'll just have to learn to deal. I know, vague, right? Sometimes vague is good when you have a public blog!

Speaking of work, this is my weekend to work at my job. We rotate weekends on a cycle and it's my turn. Not only that, but on my work weekends (weather permitting) I go for a run with friends. It was especially important  today since it was the last time we practiced the route for our next race. It's a very hilly course over near where I work. I hope I can PR, but I haven't in practice yet. I'll just hope that the inevitable race day adrenaline helps propel me up those hills! We'll see in just a little under 3 weeks!

Sorry for the short, picture-less post, but I actually started composing this one last night during my bout of insomnia and I plan on going to sleep in a little while so I can be well rested (for once) tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I've been haaving insomnia lately myself. I hope your stress gets alleviated soon!
