
Monday, April 9, 2012

It Will Hurt if I Swallow

Anyone other than me remember that really annoying commercial with the kid laying in bed deciding that if he swallows, his throat will hurt and he finally calls out for his mommy? Well, make that kid a 32 year old woman and it could be me. (I have no plans on calling for my mommy, I really don't think there is anything she could do about it.) I did, however, finally break down and call my doctor for a sick appointment for tomorrow. The receptionist even chuckled when I told her I was calling to make an appointment against my will!! I hate going to the doctor and I really hate taking antibiotics unless I have no choice. My left tonsil and inner ear hurt so bad right now that I think I have no choice. So, tomorrow should be a busy day.

Generally,on the weekdays, I get up with my son and take him to school, leaving my husband and daughter in bed asleep. This works out better for my family because getting four people ready in the morning is extremely time consuming, especially since the 2 year old cannot dress herself yet. Since the accident, however, we have had to shuffle our routine around since I will still be at work when it is time to pick up the boy. Therefore, everyone must get up and drop him off at school and then go to the doctor's office with me and then drop me off at work just to go pick my son up, go home, eat dinner and then come pick me back up from work. I am SO tired of being a one car family again!!!!

I still have not decided upon reading a new book before May 1st. I am probably just going to wait it out and resume my reading with Deadlocked.

Well, as much as I'd love to ramble on, my throat still hurts fiercely and I need to get some sleep. I have to get my inner clock back on school time now that Spring Break is over.

Until tomorrow.....goodnight!

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