
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today I Am Feeling...

I really wish there was a way to put one of those little pictures with all of the different little faces with the changeable frame to indicate mood on websites/blogs. Perhaps there is and I just haven't seen it yet. Either way, today I am feeling slightly defeated. Do you ever have those days where it just seems like no matter how many good things you have going for you in life you can't help but be bogged down by the bad? I know that posting about this is a little absurd considering yesterday's sappy, hopeful post. Maybe instead of feeling defeated, I should indicate that I am feeling bi-polar! Up, down, up, down. That seems to be the hand I've been dealt as of late.

I know the entire world is probably sick of hearing about my damned leg, Lord knows I am sick of writing about it, but it hurt a lot yesterday during and after Zumba and a little today at work. I was going to Zumba again tonight, but I got a case of the lazies followed by an intense sugar craving and didn't do anything. I think my leg is greatful as it doesn't hurt all that badly tonight. I guess I shouldn't let it know that I fully intend to Zumba tomorrow night!

So, how is Zumba going? I haven't really done it since I "fell off the wagon" the last go round of weight loss and boy, did it kick my ASS! I sweat more in 50 minutes of dancing around than I do for a 3 mile run outside. Sadly, it also burns twice as many calories as the running in the same amount of time. It feels good to know that I am starting to work some different muscle groups, though. Maybe this is just what I need to get that scale to move down for me!

Well, I am pretty sleepy and I still have another work day ahead of me for the week, so I guess I'll sign out until tomorrow!

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