
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

One Week In and A Little Disappointed

I am one week into my January challenge. So far, I have run 4.36 miles. Not too shabby since I hadn't run at all since last month and that was only a mile! Of course, when I woke up this morning, I was eager to see if the scale had moved. I haven't been logging or really working hard to reduce my calories or even change my eating habits all that much. I don't want to take on too much at once and end up getting burned out, so I have just tried to be more aware of the snacking and how much I am eating. You know, no pressure. So, I hopped on the scale and prepared for success.

Epic. Fail.

I am UP 1.5 pounds from last week! I am hoping hoping hoping that it is due to extra water retention in my muscles from starting to run again. I mean, I have stopped nibbling on chocolate at night. I even started drinking a cup of tea in the evenings to curb that craving all together (and it's been working!) I have been choosing to eat more salads and fewer sandwiches/chips!! What the frig???

I'm not going to let it really get me down. It's only one week. It takes 12 weeks to really notice a change and I'm just working up to a real routine. I am, however, going to try to increase my water intake a bit more from here out. I am usually dehydrated because I just don't think to drink water. (I am currently sipping on a glass of water with a splash of lemon juice in it as I type this.)

Less than one week until the Hot Chocolate 5K. I ran 2 miles on the treadmill this morning after I dropped the kids off at school. I'm really glad they are back in school now. It helps me get things accomplished easier, both with housework and working out.

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