
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Confucius Say...

I don't have much to say today. I spent the day at home allowing my children to drive me slowly insane. We did leave the house to pick up my new glasses. (I'll post a pic when I don't look a hot mess!) For most of the day, I let Evelyn run around in just her nightgown. We've begun the summer before school potty training bootcamp for little girls. So, between yesterday and today, she has peed on the bathroom floor twice (at least it was the correct room), once on her bedroom floor and she pooped in the bathtub (she actually NEVER did that as a baby). But, never once did she go in the potty. Extremely frustrating!! I dislike hate potty training children!!! Why can't they just pop out knowing how to go potty? Cats are practically born knowing how to use the litter box!!

OK, enough of that. Shane brought home Chinese food tonight for he and I for dinner. He also brought home fortune cookies. One of them was strangely packaged and caught my attention.
There are 2 fortune cookies in 1 package. Must have slipped past QC!
Double fortune in one package!!! Naturally, I claimed these cookies for myself. After dinner, I opened them up. The first fortune said that a trip south would make me unexpectedly happy (I could really use a vacation) and the second said that I would reach my goal if I continued on the path. I took that as a sign for the half in August. It feels like every time I do a training session, I spend half of it wondering if I will be able to finish a) at all or b) in the allotted 3.5 hours. I spend the other half of it telling myself that I am committed and I have to do it or I'll never respect myself again.

Ran on the treadmill tonight. The training schedule said 3 miles "pace" which means the pace in which I intend on running the race. I would like to maintain a 12 minute mile, but I just don't think that will happen. However, that was the pace I ran on the treadmill. I ran 0.9 and walked 0.1 of each mile. The good thing is that I maintained the 5mph pace on each 9/10th of a mile without stopping (though I felt like doing it a few times, especially at the end). Also, my hamstring seemed to hold up. I have ice on it right now as a precaution and I will soak in a warm Epsom salt bath after this, but it seems to be ok. Much better than the last time I ran inside. My left shin hurt a good deal, but I'm generally used to that. I think I could probably (already) use some new shoes and I really need to go to Big Peach and have my feet evaluated for the best fit, but that's just not in the budget right now. 

So, another treadmill run tomorrow and a 5 mile "long" run on Saturday. Stay tuned, folks!! Oh, the book is still going well. I read a few chapters last night. I'm still intrigued!

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