
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Walking On With A Possessed MP3 player

Today, I woke up and went on a 5 mile walk. Shane actually had a good idea for me when I was trying to decide how far to walk today. You see, my first "long mile" in training is 4 miles, not 5. Shane mentioned to me that I should scope out the distance so that I know where to go to when I run it. Brilliant idea!!! (No one tell him that!) So, that's just what I did. I was a little frustrated on the trail today because there were a few lot ton of bikers cyclists on the trail today. (Shane laughs at me when I call them bikers). It's not that they're in my way or anything, they just irritate me. When Jenni and I were running together, we had decided that they were super pretentious. Always wearing their spandex and pointy hats, leaned over, calling, "on your left!!" every time they pass. I truly don't mean to offend any cyclists out there, I just don't like sharing the trail with them. I'm sure they feel the same way about us walkers/joggers/runners. Just a different way of going the distance. Anyway, despite the multitude of cyclists, I did (finally) see 3 or 4 runners out. I never, ever see any runners.

It was really hard for me not to run at least part of my distance. I stretched my hamstrings before starting and after finishing and convinced myself that walking was for the best until I run again on Tuesday. What was really hard was walking across that bridge. I can't begin to tell you how intimidating it was to walk across it 2 times today without hyperventilating, especially when a couple of bikers cyclists passed me on it. I think that one of my main issues with the people on bikes is that they are coming up from behind me and I can't see them. I would hate to get plowed down my a bike going 20 mph (or however fast they go). There are a couple of tunnels that I have to go through and they aren't very lit sometimes. Today, I envisioned being run over each time I went through them!!

Ok, enough about bridges and bikers cyclists! The rest of my day has involved shopping with my mom and Evelyn for E's birthday (tomorrow). She got a tricycle-ish type fold up bike and a helmet to match (from my mom). I'll talk about the gifts we got her tomorrow.

I really need to go through my MP3 files and try to organize them. I also need to see if I can set up a "workout profile" on it. No matter what day it is, my MP3 player ALWAYS plays Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. It wouldn't be on my player if I didn't like it, but it's not exactly pumped-up music  I want to move to! It also almost always plays Piano Man by Billy Joel. I don't mind it as much because it's almost always on my way to the car. Anyway, I need to get it organized for my long runs so I can stay pumped and focused.

Very cute movie! Almost made me cry!
I couldn't bring myself to read any of the book last night. Shane brought home a RedBox movie and we stayed up late watching it. It was Mars Needs Moms and it was super cute in a feel good, funny kind of way. Shane told me today that it didn't do well at the box office, which is a shame because I really liked it. It was extremely predictable, but at my age and the number of movies I've seen, that is to be expected. I still found it to be enjoyable. I'm not sure if I'll read any tonight since we're planning to watch the season finale of Grimm (I love me some Monroe)!!

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