
Friday, May 4, 2012

Smaller Pants Yields Muffin Top

The fruits of my labor are starting to pay off and I can fit into the size smaller jeans that I bought while thrift store shopping last weekend. The downside is that they give me a small muffin top. I'm fairly certain that I can live with that, but it does bother me a little. I just have to keep telling myself that it will go away in time if I continue on my course.

I have plans to go run on the pretty section of the trail in the morning with Jenni. I really hope that I can keep a steady pace without many stops. My knees feel better after having the day off. My left shin is a little sore, but I can deal with that. I still have that sore on my left heel, so that will have to be covered. Now, if I can just remember all of my gear!!

The second part of Neverland was also good. I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. Speaking of seeing, I'm starting to think that I will never get to see The Hunger Games while it is still in the theater and The Avengers came out tonight. I know if Shane has a choice between the two, The Avengers will win and I can't really begrudge him that. I want to see it, too. Ughh...well, maybe when it hits the dollar theater we can arrange for a sitter and go. Kinda sucks since movies don't hit the dollar theater until they come out on DVD. **insert pouty face**

It looks like I'll be making Oreo cupcakes this weekend to give to Gabriel's teachers on Tuesday. I'm sure they'll enjoy them. Those cupcakes are like crack!! (Not that I've ever had crack...just an expression).

Well, time to get some sleep. Semi-busy day ahead of me tomorrow starting with a 3.1 mile run!

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