
Friday, May 11, 2012

Calorie Control (Or Lack Thereof)

I know one of my earlier posts was about eating and eating and eating. I was blaming it on hormones and I'm pretty sure that was the case. However, I am going through some time right now where I am just eating WAY over my calories and very, very poorly. Not to be excuse girl, but I think I know why. Eating is comfort for me. I won't really say that it makes me feel better necessarily, but it is certainly something I do when I am stressed.

We are finally wrapping things up with the insurance company with the car. Hopefully that will all be done by next week. In the meantime, the POS Corolla has cost us a crap ton of money. First, it was getting it to pass emissions only to have the light turn on the next day again (thank God it passed before that). Then, it was a broken axle. We just got it out of the shop for that today and now it needs new tires because of the wear from the axle. I really, really, REALLY hate putting money into this car because I know we aren't going to get that out of it if we can ever sell it. At the same time, we can't not have 2 cars and the insurance money will not cover a different car in much better condition than this one. So, that is stress number 1.

I would be lying to say that I'm not nervous about the 5K tomorrow. I don't know why. It's the same thing I've been doing, just with a LOT more people!! I'll actually be glad to get it over with. I think my caloric intake will be more controlled when I can work out again without worrying about it affecting my legs. I know that with proper conditioning, I will be able to not worry about them at all, but if a couple of Zumba exercises can put me in a bad way, I think I'll stick to just running until after the half marathon in August.

Last stress is August (and I don't mean the half, but I'm sure when the time comes I will be stressed about it, too!). Both of the kids will be in school and it is going to cost us a small fortune. Basically, if the hubby doesn't get a better paying different job by then, we will exhaust our savings trying to keep up with everything, and I know even it won't sustain us for long.

I think maybe I'm liking the running right now because when I run, I focus so hard on getting to the distance I need in the time I'd like, that I just don't think about anything else. I know that my problems are small compared to a LOT of people, but it's hard not feel like they are just as big or bigger.

Sorry to be a Debby Downer tonight, but those are the thoughts floating around in my head and I need to get them out. I will post ASAP about the race tomorrow (hopefully with pictures)!


  1. I'm sorry about all the stress with the cars. It stinks. I've been stressing a little lately myself. Everytime I want to start saving more, some other random expense pops up...ugh. Hopefully, we'll both find workable solutions soon.

  2. Random, unexpected expenses are the worst!
