
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Busy Day Today

We had a REALLY busy day today. Woke up and drove to a little place in town to eat called Chicken World. I had these amazingly good Chicken Cheddar Fries. 
Fries topped with cheddar cheese, ranch, buffalo sauce, chicken strips and lemon pepper
I am so glad that I have never advertised on this blog that I eat healthy. I definitely do not! They were SOOOOOOOO freakin good!

After lunch, we had to take Gabriel to the doctor for his annual check-up. Poor kid had to get a shot and you would have thought it had killed him. He seems to be doing REALLY well developmentally. Of course, the standards that they set for average children really disturbed me. The doctor asked him to name a bunch of colors that she pointed to. She then asked him to sing his ABC's. Then, she asked him to count to ten and spell his name and tell her our address. Then, she told us to make sure to buy him advanced curriculum books so he doesn't get bored in Kindergarten!! Really??? He can count to 50 and he knows more shapes than I did at 12!! What aren't people teaching their children these days if the standards are set so low? I told her that I don't have to worry about him being bored in Kindergarten since he goes to a private school and his teacher next year is the owner of the school and a speech pathologist.

We next moved on to Party City to purchase some things for Gabriel's party on Saturday. We bought plates and cups and balloons and goody bags and fillers. Then, on to Wal-Mart for more of the same, plus food supplies. I still have a few odds and ins to pick up, but we are set for the most part. While we were at Wal-Mart, we also bought Gabriel's birthday gift, a bicycle!!! (Complete with helmet and other protective accessories)

We spent so much time running around that I really didn't feel like cooking, so we stopped by Little Caesar's for dinner to-go. Gabriel also got a bath since he was feeling a little warm to me.

I've spent the last hour baking a cake and cupcakes for his party. I hate the way the house smells when I do that much baking. It's almost nauseating! 


  1. Those fries do look awesome! The standards for kids these days is awful, even at the college level! I have never seen so many kids that have no clue about anything. I can't wait to see y'all tomorrow at the party:)

    1. You'll have to come to Chicken World with us sometime!
