
Monday, June 11, 2012

Why Vampire Men Are Swoon Worthy

In one of my previous posts, I wondered out loud what it was that made me swoon over vampire men. I think I have finally figured it out.

For starters, they are old. Usually centuries old. There is much to be said about centuries worth of experience in dealing with women. It's no wonder regular guys never seem to get it right. They only have an approximate 70 year life span. They probably haven't even spent all of those years with their significant other, so they are just learning the ropes. Vampire men, however, have had multiple lifetimes to get it right and probably with more than one personality type of woman.

Next, they are usually foreign. America isn't very old at all. Chances are, your vampire hunk is from Europe. This implies that he comes with his own "old world" mannerisms and a sexy accent! Not to mention, he will probably call you all sorts of sweet pet names. For instance, in Shadow of Night, the vampire hunk calls his girl "mon coeur" or "my heart" in French. He also refers to her as his "la lionne" or "lioness." Come on, ladies! Tell me that wouldn't make you melt into a puddle of goo right away!!

Last, the sex. You never hear about bad vampire sex. See above about centuries of experience! I think I'm going to leave that right where it is. I'm sure your imagination can take it from there!

So, you see, those are just some of the things that make vampire men so swoon worthy. I know it is the reason I am drawn to read books such as Lover Mine by J.R. Ward or A Discovery of Witches/Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness. I finished it last night, by the way (Shadow of Night). It was, as I predicted, sad to finish it. I don't know when the third and final book will be released, probably sometime next year, but it was wonderful. I really felt swept away in it. I'm also glad I finished it last night so that I don't have to worry about having my nose in my Nook while we are gone on vacation the rest of this week! (Not that I mind, but it's rude).

Speaking of the vacation, I will try to publish posts while I am gone. Hopefully, with pictures. I will probably end up posting from my tablet, though and Blogger Droid just doesn't agree with me as well as the ole laptop. Also, Shane says he is going to run with me while we are gone for 2 days. I'll definitely have to let you know how that goes!!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun! I'll have to read those Harkness books soon:)
